3.1 Accidents / Incidents


Whenever a patron or staff member is injured in an accident in Library buildings or on Library grounds, the supervisor present should fill out an accident or incident report form and return it to the Director as soon as possible. Multiple copies of the accident report are kept at all public desks at the Main and MacKay Branch Libraries and in the Office. If a staff member is injured, the Town Human Resources Office should also be consulted to ensure that the most up-to-date procedure is followed.



Any time an incident occurs in the Library or on Library grounds, of which a staff member feels the Director should be aware, an incident report form should be submitted. An “incident” may range from a patron complaint to deviant or criminal behavior. If deviant sexual or criminal behavior is reported by a patron or witnessed by staff, the police should be called immediately. Names and phone numbers of witnesses should be recorded.

If a patron is upset, staff should remain calm and supportive. Do not interrogate the person, but escort her/him to a private office until the police arrive. An incident report form should be filled out immediately and sent to the Director.

Approved, Library Board of Trustees, December 2015