New Teen Website

TeenZoneMonsterThe Teen section of our website recently got a major face-lift. We’re still playing with the way it looks, so please let Tricia Horan, Teen Librarian, know what you think ( or 978-256-5521 x125).

Most of the information that was available on the previous Teen website will be still be available on the new website, but there will also be a lot more book reviews and current information. You can also subscribe to an RSS feed of the new page on our RSS Feeds list.

Since the internet is always changing, we try to adapt and adopt new tools that will best serve our patrons. If you have any suggestions, about either what we’re doing or what we’re not doing, please let us know. You can either send in a comment, or contact Barbara Morrison, Assistant Director ( or 978-256-5521 x102) or Brian Herzog, Head of Reference ( or 978-256-5521 x211).