Preschool Books on Fri., Nov. 7 and Mon., Nov. 10

I led storytimes at MacKay last Friday and at the Main Library today.  These are the books I chose:

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Noodle and Lou was new to most of the children.  Families knew Peter Reynolds’ previous book The Dot, but were not as familiar with Ish.  Almost everyone knew Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom – which is great!  Check it out if you are not familiar with it.  It is one of the very best alphabet books.  It has capital and lower case letters on each page.

The Nest Where I Like to Rest is a story the children (and grown ups) helped me tell by using sign language.  We learned the signs for nest, eggs, rat, cat, goose, boy and rest.  Everyone did a terrific job!  I felt rushed at the Main Library while reading Good News Bad News.  I wanted to get through it one time, so we can revisit it and pick up on details we missed the first time.  Repetition is a great thing.
