The story Poetree by Shauna LaVoy Reynolds and illustrated by Shahrzad Maydani has been installed at Sunny Meadow Farm in South Chelmsford. Put on a hat and some sunscreen and walk along a nature path and read the story. Stop at 19 different stakes and read each page together. This is an opportunity to get outside, do a little physical activity, and read a story. At the end you get to link to our electronic guestbook and share your thoughts about your adventure!
Poetree is a delightful book about a little girl who writes a poem for a tree. She is so surprised when the tree writes back. This is a great story to read outside in nature! Enjoy reading the story together with your family as you enjoy a bit of the outdoors.
Read the story one page at a time as you walk along a simple trail. This is a fun family literacy activity that is great for all ages. If you are participating in the Summer Reading program, visiting the StoryWalk earns you a pin! (Sign up for summer reading at
The StoryWalk is along a trail around the Community Garden at Sunny Meadow Farm. It is near 158 Robin Hill Road in South Chelmsford.