Tech Training

Technology WorksTechnology Works at the Chelmsford Public Library

Our Technology Works workshop series breaks down everyday technology use to make it make sense for beginners. Beginning August 6th, we will meet every other Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. in the Conference Room for a one-hour session on a specific technology topic. Laptop computers will be available as needed to allow you to follow along with the demonstrations.

See our events calendar for the course schedule and to register for a class. Space is limited!


One-on-One Instruction

Library staff offer personal assistance learning computers or help with a specific task (like setting up an email account, applying for a job, etc). Please contact the Reference Desk at 978-256-5521 x1211 to set up an appointment with one of our librarians.

Online Training

Our tech talks are available as online tutorials. You can see a list of all our free online technology tutorials below, available 24/7 to anyone.

We also recommend the following freely available technology learning resources:



If you have an idea for a technology topic for a Tech Talk or a class, please let us know! Email with your suggestions, or call or come talk to us at the reference desk.