Reading Resources

“Pathfinder” Reading Lists

Click on the icon to download a reading list of books related to the icon’s topic. (Microsoft Word document)

Available in print in the Children’s Room as well!

Under Construction — More to come!

Picture Books


Electronic Resources

Please note: access to these resources requires a Chelmsford Library card. Chelmsford residents may sign up for a library card here!

  • StorytimeTV on Chelmsford Telemedia
    Watch staff from the public library and public schools read picture books on The Chelmsford Library’s TV show. Tune into Chelmsford Telemedia every evening at 7:00 pm for stories on the Educational Channels: Comcast 22 or Verizon 36. There are times that live programming may be shown rather than the stories. Tune in again the next evening, or check CTM’s online schedule.

Ebooks, videos, puzzles, and games

Simple stories, nursery rhymes, and preschool concepts (colors, sizes, shapes)

A mix of 100+ books covering popular subjects from preschool to high school

Ebooks, audiobooks, movies, TV, music, and comic books

Popular fiction and non-fiction ebooks and audiobooks