Chelmsford Community Links and Resources
The mission of the Chelmsford Public Library is to be the community’s bridge to exploration, engagement, and enjoyment. Striving to meet this goal, our Local Resources page seeks to aggregate vital links, resources, and information for Chelmsford residents in one place, for our community. Residents of Chelmsford, Business/Property Owners, and Town of Chelmsford Employees are eligible to apply for a library card to take advantage of all the services we have to offer!
Local Links
Town of Chelmsford Website
The Town of Chelmsford website, including posted agenda and meeting minutes for Town Boards and Committees, online resources like permitting, payments, and the assessors database, information on town initiatives, information and updates from the Public Works department, and reporting issues through SeeClickFix.
Chelmsford Public Schools
The website for the Chelmsford Public Schools, whose mission is to educate, engage, prepare, and empower well-rounded and knowledgeable learners who persevere through challenges, demonstrate respect and integrity in their words and actions, are dedicated to their community, and display empathy as global citizens while discovering and pursuing their full potential.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
The Chelmsford Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEIC) supports Chelmsford’s efforts to become a welcoming town that recognizes diversity, pursues racial equity, and fosters inclusion. The Committee strives to identify and promote activities designed to further efforts of these core values, and to advocate for the human and civil rights of all.
Senior Center
Information about the Chelmsford Senior Center (located at 75 Groton Rd. North Chelmsford, MA 01863). Amenities include a congregate access, an adult social day program, fitness room, the Friends Cafe, Congregate Lunch, a small library, and more! The Chelmsford Council on Aging publishes a yearly resource guide with contact information for many programs serving seniors in our area. View the Senior Center’s Facebook page.
Community Center
The Chelmsford Community Center (or CCC, located at 31 Princeton St. North Chelmsford, MA 01863) is located at the old North Town Hall. It provides rental space for large and small events and dinners, rental space for business and community organization meetings, rental space for arts and crafts, fitness and hobby groups. CCC also hosts regular or special events such as family movie and game nights, holiday events, and more!
Center for the Arts
Nestled in Chelmsford’s historic Town Hall, the Chelmsford Center for the Arts (located at 1A North Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824) is proud to be the town’s only public art institution. The heart of the Merrimack Valley town’s government from 1879-1981, the Old Town Hall was used as a community center and even as a charter school until November 8, 2009, when it became the home for inspiring arts & cultural experiences.
Bruce Freeman Rail Trail
The Bruce Freeman Rail Trail is a rail trail through the communities of Lowell, Chelmsford, Westford, Carlisle, Acton, Concord, Sudbury, and Framingham in Massachusetts — following the 25-mile route of the old New Haven Railroad Framingham & Lowell line.
Chelmsford Historical Society
Organized in 1930, the Chelmsford Historical Society is a non-profit organization of people who care about Chelmsford’s heritage and local history. The society is an educational and cultural resource for the Town of Chelmsford and the Merrimack Valley, dedicated to the preservation of the historical heritage of our town for the good of all of the people of Chelmsford.
Chelmsford Volunteers
If you’re looking for volunteer opportunities in and around Chelmsford, Massachusetts, you’ve come to the right place. You can use the links and search box on the right to locate a volunteer opportunity local organization.
Chelmsford Community Band and Jazz Ensemble
Founded in 1972, the Chelmsford Community Concert Band (CCB) is a nonprofit, volunteer band comprised of 60 woodwind, brass, and percussion instrumentalists from all walks of life, including professional musicians, educators, engineers, and small business owners. The Chelmsford Community Jazz Band (CCJB) was formed in 1998 to give concert band members with a love for playing big band music an outlet for that passion.
Chelmsford Telemedia
Chelmsford TeleMedia brings our community together through media. We broadcast, record and archive almost every municipal meeting. We bring you school sports, concerts, and other educational programs. We teach video production and media literacy to middle and high school students. And, we help anyone freely express themself by creating their own video programming. In short, we give voice to the Chelmsford community.
Local Newspapers
The Eagle-Independent is the local, weekly newspaper serving Chelmsford, Littleton, and Westford. This is the successor to the previous Chelmsford Independent newspaper. The Library has full-text content of the Chelmsford Independent and predecessor papers online and via microform in-library (Chelmsford Independent 1986-present; Chelmsford Newsweekly 1940-1993).
Chelmsford Telemedia Community Channel Schedule
Are we missing an important organization in our town? Please email us at to let us know!