2.1 Public Service Policy

The Chelmsford Public Library strives to offer excellent library services to all. In addition to the quality of the collections, it is equally important that the staff provide accurate, efficient, and friendly service at all times.

The Library should offer the same quality of service to all regardless of age, race, sex, gender identity, nationality, educational background, physical limitations, or any other criteria which may be a source of discrimination.

Judgment calls should always be made in the patron’s favor. If mistakes are made, they should always be to the patron’s advantage.

Patrons should always be offered alternative solutions or referrals if a staff member is unable to comply with a request.

Staff members should be familiar with and able to articulate Library policies, as well as explain the rationale behind them.

Each staff person, while at work, acts as a representative of the Chelmsford Public Library to each person or group with whom she/he comes in contact. The impression made on the patron profoundly affects the Library’s image.

The needs and requests of Library patrons should always be taken seriously and treated with respect. Equal consideration and treatment will be given to all users in a non-judgmental environment.

All interactions, transactions, and information exchanged between staff and patrons or between groups of patrons and the Library will be considered confidential and will be discussed only in a professional context.

Approved, Library Board of Trustees, June 2020