3.3 Telecommunications Guidelines

During a power outage, servers should be shut down manually. They are on a UPS which will keep them functional for a short time.

Hubs, routers, switches, and work stations may be unplugged in the data closet.


  • All department heads should be aware of where the hubs and routers for their building are.
  • Servers, hubs, routers, and switches, under normal conditions, should always be left on.
  • When the power outage has passed, the person in charge should power on the hubs and routers and servers first, and then alert staff to turn on workstations. Please verify that all ports are operational. Please note: it could take up to 15 minutes until all workstations have connections.


Problems with Catalog connection:

  • Main number – 978-557-1050
  • Jason (Computer Operations) – 978-557-5891

Problems with Internet and wireless connection:

  • Notify the library network administrator.

Approved by the Library Board of Trustees, December 2015