Preschool books on Wednesday, November 26

Amy Reimann is our new Children’s Specialist.  She will lead the Wednesday morning storytimes at the main library and the Friday morning storytime at the MacKay branch.  Families got to know her at today’s storytime.  It was a small group, on the day before Thanksgiving, so most of you will meet her next week.

Today we read the following books:  (view the Monday blog post for more info)

Image of item   Image of item   Image of item   Image of item   I did not read Thank You, Thanksgiving on Monday.  I love the book, because the girl is thankful for all the tiny details in her life.  I never liked that there was so much snow on the ground in the illustrations, but this year it seems most appropriate.

Thank you to all of you who bring your children to the library and share books with them.  I am very thankful to be working with all of you.
