
Lowell Sun

Complete full-text content of local and regional news, including community events, schools, politics, government policies, cultural activities, local companies, state industries, and people in the community. Paid advertisements are excluded. [10/14/2001 – Current]

Chelmsford Newspapers Obituary Search

A PDF index to the obituaries listed in the Chelmsford Newsweekly (6/20/1940 – 8/26/1993) and the Chelmsford Independent (1/2/1986 – present). When you locate the correct obituary, you can use the newspaper name, date, and page number to look up the obituary text on our microfilm records, or contact the Reference Desk at or 978-256-5521 x1211 (with the obituary citation information) and we can email you the obituary.

Note: Obituaries not in this archive may have appeared in the Lowell Sun newspaper, which is available on microfilm at Lowell’s Pollard Memorial Library. You can also contact the Lowell Sun’s obituary department at or 978-970-4652.

Chelmsford Independent

Note: Publication merged with Westford and Littleton papers May 2019, continues as Eagle-Inpdependent.

Full-text content of weekly newspaper of Chelmsford, Massachusetts (published every Thursday). Paid advertisements are excluded. [12/8/2005-5/30/2019]

Chelmsford newspapers available on microfilm: Chelmsford Independent 1986-present; Chelmsford Newsweekly 1940-1993

Boston Globe

1980-current. Full-text content of local and regional news, including community events, schools, politics, government policies, cultural activities, local companies, state industries, and people in the community.